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BIBLE STUDY with Pastor Heather
We meet online through Zoom each Wednesday morning at 9:30 to discuss the scripture for the upcoming Sunday worship.
Join us for interesting conversations about the scripture, historical context and what meaning it might have for our context, as well as our individual reactions and intriguing questions. 
By computer, simply click on this link:
By phone:
Dial (1) 669 900 9128
When asked, enter the following
Meeting ID: 937 257 009
Password: 528041

5850 Rosario Avenue

Atascadero, CA     

​Tel: (805) 466-9108



Office Hours:

Tuesday 9:30am-12:30pm

Wednesday 9:00 am-12:30pm

Thursday 9:00am - 12:30 pm


Office Manager : Carrie Portillo


Pastor: Rev. Heather Branton




Open and Affirming member of the United Church of Christ

The Community Church of Atascadero, United Church of Christ recognizes that the area of so-called San Luis Obispo County is the ancestral homeland for Indigenous Northern Chumash and Salinan people and has been colonized through violent means including forced removal, attempted erasure, religious cleansing, and genocide. Furthermore, the United Church of Christ has passed a resolution calling for the United Church of Christ to repudiate the doctrine of discovery which authorized the genocide of native peoples and the theft of native lands.

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